The Central Library of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology has huge collections of books and journals in the fields of Science, Engineering, Technology, Pharmacy, Architecture, Law, Management, and Humanities. The Library functions 14 hours a day (08.00 am to 10.00 pm), Saturdays and Sundays the Library is working. The Library is well connected with School/Department Libraries, functioning in all the Schools and Departments.
The Digital Library of the Institute is working 24/7. The Library has membership in the National Digital Library of India, under the mission of the National Knowledge Network. The Library member in Shodhganga to upload PhD thesis. The Library is a member of eShodhSindhu and all the online resources are being subscribed through this consortium.
The Library is a member of the National Digital Library of India (NDLI), DELNET (Developing Library Network), MALIBNET (Madras Library Network), British Council Division, Anna University – Chennai, American Information Resource Centre and Structural Engineering Resource Centre (SERC), Chennai.
The Library subscribes to online journals such as ASCE, ACM, ASME, IEEE, EBSCO Art & Architecture, ProQuest, Elsevier (science direct), SCC Online, All India Reporter, and Manupatra publications. The Library has the facility to check plagiarism through Turnitin software. The library conducts an ‘Annual Book Exhibition’, regularly, which enables our Staff, Research Scholars, and Students to go through the hundreds of titles in their area of interest under one roof.
Remote Access (Off-Campus Access) to e-Resources
Guide to Off-Campus Access